Friday, November 12, 2010

November Thoughts

So I have been back from Sri Lanka for almost 2 weeks, and I'll be leaving on Monday for an 8 day trip to Portugal. This will be my 1st solo trip, and I'm a mix of nervous and being super excited. I love travelling with my friends, but am really looking forward to having some selfish "what do I want to do today" time! Am also looking forward to having some time to figure my camera settings out more, and aimlessly wander taking photos.

The last 2 weeks have been a blur. I switched from night shift to day shift and my body isn't keeping up too well. Throw in some overtime, and a night at the German Embassy, and I'm darn near exhausted (and ready for another vacation). Work is, really. Spent most of today inhaling 2nd hand smoke from 3 of my patients who were puffing away in their rooms. Otherwise, not really much to complain of. The weather is turning chilly by desert standards, and I've had a break out the 2 hoodies I brought with me. I can't quite believe its mid November, and I've been here nearing 7 months!! More when I return from Portugal!!!

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