This past weekend I decided to join some ladies from work and go on a desert hash. Hashing is a super popular activity of ex-pats. It is a fun and also illegal activity, involving the mixing of unmarried men and women, and the women aren't covered. Haram Haram. A large group of us met, and formed a caravan and headed for the desert.
Once in the desert we formed a circle, and new members where introduced to the group. The group is all expats, of varying ages, and athletic abilities. There are 3 groups, the runners, a short walk and a long walk. We decided to do the long walk. I was previously warned that it was a little challenging, but completely doable. True- if you are not the worlds biggest klutz. We started out on pretty much flat surface, and headed towards a large ravine that was quite steep. The group slowed down as you had to scramble up the rock surface. The trail was a rocky surface with shale over top. Here is where things took a little turn. I stepped up onto a ledge and as soon as I did the rock broke off and I fell onto my hip. Dropping my camera, and ripping my new lulu pants in the process. My Saudi mom Kate was behind me and grabbed onto me to prevent me from sliding, and in the process sliced the top and bottom of her finger. Once I got myself upright- a dude close to us fell, and started to slide down the slope.
There is only one way up and one way down so we had to continue on. We bandaged Kate's finger up, and enjoyed the amazing scenery. Then it was time to head down. Lets just say we spent a lot of time on our asses sliding down. One girl was crying, another girl fell. It was exciting, and I'm glad I did it. Next time I'll wear crappier clothing. I am now sporting an amazing bruise on my hip, and have taken 2 days off work.
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