Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Holidays from Saudi

So the holidays are upon us, and I am a little behind on blogging!! I spend a couple days before Christmas in Bahrain with some ladies from work. Its amazing how normal Bahrain feels compared to Saudi- you actually forget that you are still in a Middle Eastern Muslim country. No abayas, alcohol is legal, pork is legal, shopping where you are actually allowed to try clothes on, movie theatres, and no threat of being arrested from talking/mingling with men!! In other words- its pretty much heaven when one lives in Saudi!!

We flew back to Riyadh on Christmas Eve, and as soon as we landed my holiday depression kicked into full swing. Spending Christmas in a country where it doesn't actually exist may be the hardest thing I have had to go thru. To say I was homesick might be the understatement of the year. I pretty much spent the day off and on crying. Skyping my family and friends back home was pure torture. Work was like any other day of the week. None of my patients acknowledged that it was a western holiday- which made things that much worse. The staff did a lunch potluck which consisted of Arabic food, and pasta from Pizza Hut.....weird. Luckily, my roommate dragged me out of my funk and to a Christmas party. It was just what I needed in the nic of time!!

Last night I invited a few friends over for an early birthday celebration, as I am working my birthday. This afternoon I'm treating myself to a facial and massage at the spa. I'm stuck working New Year's Eve day- but have plans to head to the US embassy for an event after work to ring in the New Year!! That's about all I've been up to. Gearing up to head to Oman for a week in January, and am very much looking forward to it.

Merry Late Christmas, and a kick-ass New Year's to all!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saudi Desert Hashing

This past weekend I decided to join some ladies from work and go on a desert hash. Hashing is a super popular activity of ex-pats. It is a fun and also illegal activity, involving the mixing of unmarried men and women, and the women aren't covered. Haram Haram. A large group of us met, and formed a caravan and headed for the desert.

Once in the desert we formed a circle, and new members where introduced to the group. The group is all expats, of varying ages, and athletic abilities. There are 3 groups, the runners, a short walk and a long walk. We decided to do the long walk. I was previously warned that it was a little challenging, but completely doable. True- if you are not the worlds biggest klutz. We started out on pretty much flat surface, and headed towards a large ravine that was quite steep. The group slowed down as you had to scramble up the rock surface. The trail was a rocky surface with shale over top. Here is where things took a little turn. I stepped up onto a ledge and as soon as I did the rock broke off and I fell onto my hip. Dropping my camera, and ripping my new lulu pants in the process. My Saudi mom Kate was behind me and grabbed onto me to prevent me from sliding, and in the process sliced the top and bottom of her finger. Once I got myself upright- a dude close to us fell, and started to slide down the slope.

There is only one way up and one way down so we had to continue on. We bandaged Kate's finger up, and enjoyed the amazing scenery. Then it was time to head down. Lets just say we spent a lot of time on our asses sliding down. One girl was crying, another girl fell. It was exciting, and I'm glad I did it. Next time I'll wear crappier clothing. I am now sporting an amazing bruise on my hip, and have taken 2 days off work.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saudi Ventings

I've been back from vacation for a little over a week, and already am itching to go somewhere. Looks like I'll be heading to Bahrain with some ladies from work for 3 days prior to Christmas!! I have been dreading spending my birthday, and the holidays here. This will be my 1st Christmas away from home (I guess I should just be thankful to have been with my family all those other years!!) Getting away for a few days will be lovely.  I am also taking a week off in January to head to the beaches in Oman, am very much looking forward to this.

Has been a busy last week. American Thanksgiving was last Thursday, and I spent the afternoon eating turkey at the American embassy, and the evening eating more turkey at a potluck compound party. It was pretty great since I missed Canadian thanksgiving celebrations!! Not really sure what to expect from the holidays here- will be attending a Canadian Christmas party in a few weeks, and have New Years plans in the works. Am planning on treating myself to a day at the spa for my birthday (so hopefully the holiday week will pass without being as depressing as I was fearing it might be!)

Now on to the venting.....last night my Kiwi mate and I decided to start some Christmas shopping at one of the local souks. Sounds uneventful enough, but add blond uncovered hair to the event, and you get drama!!! We spent the night hiding out from getting yelled at by authorities to cover our hair. Kinda funny, semi frustrating. Then we went grocery shopping, and same thing. "Sister cover your hair" as I'm pushing a grocery cart thru traffic. We made it home in one piece, but my patience was severely tried. You're probably asking yourself- why not just cover all the time??? I abide by wearing an abaya outside- no problem. Covering my hair is truly a pain, the scarf is forever falling off. I feel like I attract more attention constantly adjusting it. I can't hear as well with it on, and in crowded markets I don't feel as aware of my surroundings. So that's that. Venting complete. Even simple errands often become eventful.